1 Old Ferry Rd. Bristol, RI 02809
nboutsikoudis@gmail.com \\ Roger Williams University
Linked IN:www.linkedin.com/in/nikkibouts953
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Politics, Culture & the Public Sphere
Politics, Culture & the Public Sphere shares two points of view on the public sphere. The first Fraser discusses is the modern contemporary public sphere. This is where social means are discussed and people come together to discuss ideas. In this discussion people are entitiled to their own opinion. Social means and the escence of culture are influenced by this public sphere. Although people are encouraged to discuss their own viewpoints information that is significant to everyone has a societal beilf that impacts the ideas of others. For example, in the 1980's the Gay rights movement was shuddered out by media and disregauded by the public. Although these individuals have the same equality in the public sphere the public silenced them. The post modern public sphere is a tainted version of the modern contemporary versions. The post modern sphere takes into account that people are not always gaurenteed the equality they are granted. Fraser discusses that the inequalities expereicned by people creates multiple public spheres. By aknowledging, realizing and promoting unequal people society will be better off.
Out On the Wire: Radio
Radio shared a story of a girl interning at a radio broadcasting place. The book shows and explains multimodal communication. The radio show they are talking about is called the "Do-Gooders" they share stories of people who have done good deeds. The author, training the intern explains the stories cannot be boring or just have any storyline. The storyline has to be captivating, and something people will want to listen to. The author talks about interviwing in particular. He says that interviwing people and getting to hear them talk is very vallubale to story telling. The most important thing to consider when interviwing is the questions you pose. It is essential to ask not only what happened but where did it happen? who was there? what did you think before? What did you think after the event happened? All of these are essential in setting the frame or painting the picture for the audience. Additionally, making transitions between voice recordings, songs or other media has to be done in a way that sounds right. This means including breaths in certain places or "uhms" between dialogue.
Hello everyone! Welcome to my website. My name is Nikki, I am 20 years old and enjoying this prime time in my life. First off let me explain my web design. I absolutly love to travel and explore. Whether it be an extravagent trip to Cabo or Greece or a ski trip I am in heaven. As for the pineapples, I must admit that I am deeply impressed by this fad. Pinapples to me mean cool or chill, fun and outdorsy. Call me crazy but I use this symbol to describe my favorite thing about myself, that I am friendly. I decided to go to Roger Williams because I loved the idea that I could be friends and make connections with my peers and professors. At RWU I am pursuing an accounting and finance degree, with a core concentration in professional and public writing. I am a very logical person and really enjoy analyzing and making decisions about how to spend or use people money. This interest sparked mainly because I am very curious about investing and learning how people actually make money in the stock market. On campus I am very involved. I currently serve as the President of the Financial Managment Association. In this organization we provide expereitnal learning, community service oppertunities as well as career planning assitance. My favorite part about being the leader of this club is accomplishing the goals the club as a whole agrees are important to us. Recently I have added a core concentration in writing. I am hoping to learn how to write for public audiences. Last semsester I was involved in a community project with the town of Warren, RI. Before our presentation the director of the Community Partnership Center who connected Warren FMA had to "okay" are speech before we presented at town hall. This led me to want to explore what ideas one should consider before addressing a public audience. Typically it is very easy for me to write once I start going, so I am very excited to be staring this website for my Multimodal Writing & Public Spheres class.
"I am From" Reflection
Writing a poem about who you are is unlike any other autobiography I have written for class. The poem requiered me to think of moments and times and your life that shaped who you are as a person. My I am From poem uses symbolism to convey different parts of my life. I chose to share who I am in this way because it allows me to be more open with my relizations about how certain expereinces are now viewed through my eyes. The biggest chllenge for me was associating times I remember with details in my life.
I really enjoyed meeting with Chanda and Sana to discuss the refugee crisis and interviewing. Personally I knew little to nothing about refugees before the start of this class. Sana and Chanda's stories really made the whole global issue seem real and relevant to me. The most important thing I learned from the discussion was to make sure to represent the person you are interviewing in the right scope, and empowering them to share their story. It is very difficult for people to express pain and suffering they have experienced in their life. Creating a comfortable humanly interaction with the interviewee is important to establish trust. There are questions or areas of peoples life journey they may not feel comfortable sharing. In this instance respect their wish not to share and move on from the subject. Sana says there is no need for apology here. Sana emphasized that it is important to not be over sympethetic. There is no way you can relate to them, and since you do not know how it feels don't apologize that it happened or be little the situation. Overall I learned to make this conversation an open dialogue with the person, this will allow more comfortability and fluidity in the interview.
Feedback from Audio Essay
My peers have listened and critiqued my Audio Biography. I need to clean up the sound in the beginning and adjust the volume of areas in my music. Additionally, I need to make sure that. I am going to focus on editing sound. My peers said they though my tone of voice in the overall recording was good.
Feedback from Meeting Chanda and Sana